Two vaguely political thoughts

Greetings on a sad day. International Last night someone in a lorry mowed down and killed eighty-four people who were celebrating Bastille Day in Nice. May God help the bereaved and injured, the security services, politicians and media in France, and anyone in the country who is or...


Here we go…

So I switched on the TV this morning, and found that the UK had voted to leave the EU.  I have not made any secret of my own view, and so this result frightens and upsets me. (Of course I could be wrong.) As I keep telling...


In praise of homeliness

The wonderful American etiquette writer Miss Manners once received a query from someone who was worried about what to do when shown photos of her friend’s ugly grandchild.  Should she lie?  Miss Manners responded, “It is not a lie.  All brides and all babies are...


Charity collecting

NB This post is two days late, due to weekend gallivant to Hereford and Worcester, and technical difficulties.  My apologies. Last week was Christian Aid Week, as I’m sure you know.  I went out to collect from my usual street, which I’ve been visiting for somewhere...


Types of prejudice in Britain

Shane Sutton has just resigned as Technical Director of the British Cycling Team, because of things he may have said about and to female and disabled athletes. And the Labour party is having serious problems over the point at which anti-Zionism becomes (or is rooted in)...


Lawyers are always right

On a plane recently, I watched a film called “Bridge of Spies”, starring Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance, and based on true events.  In 1950s America, Hanks plays a lawyer assigned to the defence of a Russian accused (correctly) of spying.  He then brokers a...


The EU referendum

It won’t have escaped anyone’s notice that in three months or so we have the right to vote on whether or not the UK should leave the EU.  (If the vote is LEAVE, it may well be England that leaves, as Scotland at least seems...


In which I show off about showing off

Last Saturday night, I took part in a talent competition (I didn’t win.  Congratulations to two lovely dance troupes, and an excellent saxophonist, who did.)  It was very well-organised, the proceeds went to charity, and a good time was had by all.  There was cake. Usually...


Short and not sweet

Sorry, everyone.  I don't feel like posting a jolly "Hey!  Listen to what I think!" post today.  Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. God bless Belgium. God commands us to love our enemies.  How do we begin to love IS? Love from the PPI Blogger   PS My friend...