Santa Claus is coming to town

Once upon a time there was a bishop called Nicholas.  The legends about him say that he threw money in at a window to fill shoes of poor children.  And the great myth was born. Any country as dreich as Britain at this time of year...


Natural beauty for the city-dweller

The Psalms are full of injunctions to praise God for various things, and one of these is the natural world.  Many of us find a deep connection to spiritual things when gazing at, say, the stars, the sea, or the mountains…  As a popular song...


Christmas busy-ness

Christmas is coming, and I am very busy, so instead of writing a new post I have decided to reproduce a short document I wrote for myself and friends in 2013 about being busy at Christmas.  Apologies to those who have seen this before. The 2013...


I am a Global Leader, in Coventry

This blog is mostly about ideas, comments and books, and not about my general life, which is no more interesting than anyone else’s, and possibly less.  However I thought I might make an exception, to describe the Global Leaders’ Summit on 16th – 17th October...