Trials and smiles of an author (6)

I had a pleasant meeting with my publisher about two weeks ago, and “The Servant’s Voice” has been accepted for publication. I am hoping to supply the final final version by the end of April. This needs to include Acknowledgements (recognising of course Judith Renton’s contributions...



Apparently the 1981 British Nationality Act allows the Home Secretary to deprive a person of their citizenship if it would be “conducive to the public good” - provided they wouldn’t become stateless. But if I travelled to France and committed a crime there, I would not...


An apology

This is just a note to advise that there will be no post on Friday 8th, as the blogger will be in the Lake District. In the meantime, "The Servant's Voice" has been sent off to the publisher. What shall I write next? Any suggestions? Love from the...