Marion Zimmer Bradley
More about Japan later. But now for something rather different...
More about Japan later. But now for something rather different...
So, we’re back, and during our absence Notre Dame burned and 350+ people were murdered in Sri Lanka, but the UK didn’t leave the EU. Our trip to Japan was fascinating in many ways. It was partly a visit to see family, but then morphed by...
The Blogger is leaving on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Far East (Japan), so there will be no posts on 12th, 19th or 26th April. Just in case any of my readers is connected to the criminal underworld, I should point out that we are not...
I know we're all obsessing about Brexit at the moment. But here is something completely different. If I asked my readers what they knew about King Richard III, I suspect the answer would be something like this: “He was the last king of England before the...
Unlike Christmas, which has a predictable and lengthy countdown, Lent always seems to take me by surprise. It is also a season that even in church is a bit “take it or leave it/do your own thing.” Many Christians don’t do anything, except maybe eat...
(The planned post on Lent has been set aside for this even more topical one.) In the current confusion about Brexit, I’ve been struck by many things, but one is personal. (None of what follows relates in any way to ordinary friends and acquaintances who voted Leave,...