
I have been thinking lately about repentance. It has surprised me considerably that during this last year’s seemingly endless stream of new horrors, there have been few calls – to my knowledge – for us all to repent to save ourselves from divine wrath, even from...


Books 2020

You know when you’ve read a book, and you really want to tell people about it? This blog does claim to be “booky,” and so as the year staggers to its end, I thought I’d ponder and discuss what I’ve been reading in 2020 (not necessarily...


How to write Dark Age poetry (yes, you can)

It annoys me when authors invent an olde-worlde society in which all the characters seem basically to be modern people with a greater tolerance for violence and a capacity for magic. But then I am reminded, when writing pseudo-medieval stories or reading those written by others,...


Fixing of blog

Dear all It hadn't quite escaped my notice that no one had commented on any of my posts since August, but then three people told me that they'd attempted to do so and not been permitted to do so. (Thank you, Clint, Judith and Mark. My apologies...


The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn

I am very conscious that in writing this blog, I am treading on sensitive ground on which I am unqualified to set foot. As with my previous posts on JK Rowling and trans issues, I am educating myself, and it’s a slow work in progress. I...


Ragaris Fortnight, ten days on

So the Ragaris Fortnight has now finished, and I didn’t get too wet sitting out at the gate. As I said a few weeks ago, the “general objective [was] to acquire more readers, purchasers and name-recognition generally, but particularly a) online; and b) in my local area,...


Deprivation in various authors

Please read the PS, but in the meantime: Some of you may remember that my favourite Diana Wynne Jones quote is: "All power corrupts, but we need electricity." It's very true. Some months ago, I wrote the following, intending to use it in a blog: Recently our central...


Ragaris Fortnight

A little while ago I was intrigued to connect two fictional dates. 1st October 570 is the date of Dorac Kingsbrother’s trial, the beginning of the story of “We Do Not Kill Children.” 14th October is the date set aside by the New Governance as a day...